Parents with children are very welcome on Pilgrimage. Please be aware that parts of the route are not accessible for prams. Children’s Chapter is available for most parts of the Pilgrimage (except the first leg leaving Ballarat, and final leg arriving in Bendigo). Support vehicles will be available for any small children who cannot walk the whole way.
All children (under the age of 18) are encouraged to attend with a parent. If you cannot attend the Pilgrimage with your child, you must ensure that an adult is directly supervising the child at all times. The Christus Rex Society is not responsible for arranging general supervision of children. The Pilgrimage is not suitable for unsupervised children.
Children’s Chapter is run by a team of volunteers and run activities for the children while adults are walking along the road. It is aimed for 5 – 12 year olds. Children under 5 are also welcome, but must attend with a parent. Some examples of activities on Children’s Chapter:
- Catechesis run by clergy
- Craft activities
- Dress-ups and drama/role plays
- Sport and outdoor games
- Music lessons
- Story time and quiet time